Rental Unit Types

10x10 for $50 month

10x20 for $70 month

10x30 for $100 month

10x40 for $140 month

Outside RV (ORV) for $30 Month

Sheltered RV Storage 40x12x14  (LxWxH) for $110 month

Lockable RV Storage 40x12x14 for $175 month

Lockable RV Storage 45x12x14 for $200 month 

Lockable RV Storage 45x14x14 for $240 month 

10 x 10

10 x 10 with 6' 6 ' H x 9' W roll-up door and 7' ceiling

$50 / month

10 x 20

10 x 20 with 6' 6 ' H x 9' W roll-up door and 7' ceiling

$70 / month

10 x 30

10 x 30 with 6' 6 ' H x 9' W roll-up door and 7' ceiling

$100 / month

Waiting List

10 x 40

10 x 40 with 6' 6 ' H x 9' W roll-up door on each end and 7' ceiling

$140 / month

Waiting List

Outside Storage spot (10 x 45)

Outside storage unit for one boat, camper, Utility Trailer, truck or car
$15 charge for one additional vehicle in the same spot, not to exceed 45' total length
No more than 2 vehicles on any one spot. Exception: Vehicles /Trailers in Units 100 - 114 cannot be longer than 28' with no doubles. Vehicle(s) MUST be licensable.

$35 / month

Sheltered Storage Unit (40 x 10 x 14)

40 L x 10 W x 14H
Shelter you camper, boat or vehicle from Hail. This is a building with 20 spaces which open to the south. You drive-in or back-in your vehicle into the space. There is a 10amp outlet to maintain your battery.

$110 / month

Lockable 40 ft deep RV storage (40 x 12 x 14)

Lockable RV storage. 40 ft deep, 14 ft wide by 14 ft tall with 10 ft wide door. Light in center and outlet for maintaining your battery.

$175 / month

Waiting List

Lockable 45 ft deep RV storage unit (45 x 12 x 14)

Lockable RV storage: 45 ft deep, 12 wide by 14 tall with 10' wide door. Light in center and outlet for maintaining your battery

$200 / month

Lockable 45 deep x 14 ft wide RV Storage unit (45 x 14 x 14)

Lockable RV Storage: 45 ft deep, 14 wide by 14 tall with 12' wide door. Light in center and outlet for maintaining your battery

$240 / month